Feast of Mary Magdalene
This Magdalene has no interest in being a saint, for accolades, or being revered. Though anyone who crosses her path cannot deny her innate sacredness. We would call her a transwoman here but in her dimension there’s no such concept of gender/division. Her body is fruitful and ever pregnant, blessing the land with abundance, a direct life source and the land offers her shelter when she wants rest, which she takes also in abundance. Being the mother of a whole land is not work but play. A dance between birthing and sleeping. Every creature in this dimension takes care of her and is of her. The closest thing we could conceptualize is a Queen Ant, but she is not so burdened. Birthing is effortless and sleep is a choice and a delight. We might never read her as joyful because she remains slow and stoic in her movement and expression, but she’s life itself and life does not need to perform itself to anyone. This is the Feast of Mary Magdalene.
Mixed Media, 2020